Project Progress
March 2024

Unfortunately, the utilities enabling projects are still on hold pending CRT Easement agreement. The design for the Haul Road continues to be developed and costed. We have retained the services of a consultant to guide us through the planning process. He has reviewed the requirement for the ecology study and identified a suitable company. We are hoping that the survey will start soon, otherwise it could delay the planning application for a further year. Fencing erection is progressing, although the hard ground in some locations on the site is causing problems digging holes. Work continues on the new Shed design and construction tendering, and on the Construction and Design Management (CDM) documentation for the trackwork re-alignment. Road 4 has been partially lifted and the re-laying of Road 1 has commenced. The Container and Portacabin have now been delivered to site from Berkeley. The image below shows the progress at the sidings.
January 2024

The Oldminster enabling projects are still on hold pending Canal & River Trust (CRT) Easement agreement. We are working on further costings to help with grant funding applications and the haul road project. The planning application for the new shed is progressing:-the Environmental Case is currently being updated. Work started on documentation needed for the new Shed design and construction tendering, and on Construction Design Management (CDM) documents for the Leyhill workforce trackwork training. Meanwhile, at the Sidings, we have completed work on the hard standing and triangle (which provide vehicle access to the site) and we are now working on erecting the fencing. We have also purchased an excavator!
November 2023

We have received the Interim Access Agreement document from CRT (to allow access to the sidings), however the Oldminster enabling projects are on hold pending the Easement agreement. Further costings being worked up to support grant funding applications and programme plans continue to be developed. We have received feedback from Stroud Council on our planning application and we are now working on an updated version.
At the sidings, we have been working on “the triangle” (the access way onto the site) and we have been clearing vegetation in preparation for fencing to start.
October 2023

Some good news: thanks to the intervention by our MP and local councillors, CRT has today granted us permission to gain access to the sidings for offloading materials such as concrete sleepers, hard core, fencing materials, Portakabin, container etc. But currently only until Xmas.
CRT still maintain nothing can be finally agreed until their Sharpness development planning application is agreed so that may take longer.
Not a perfect result but at least we can proceed with caution and make some vital progress on site through the winter.
September 2023

The Oldminster enabling projects are progressing well, but the next steps are being delayed by the lack of CRT Agreements on access and easement, although easement work appears to be progressing.
The site drawings are being reviewed again to include a southern access and road suitable for future railway vehicle deliveries. Programme plans have been progressed and will also be reviewed. The planning application for the new Shed is in its final stages, ready for submission.
Over the next month, we will be reviewing activity and resource plans, establishing costs for mechanised dead hedge clearance to enable fencing work and making proposals for moving out of the Old Shed. We will also continue work on costings for water, sewerage and electricity.
August 2023

The Oldminster enabling projects are progressing well and the site drawings are being revised.
A shed requirements document and the report on options for the Shed were presented to the board for a decision. For further information see the latest blog.
The focus on-site this month has been on finalising the fencing along Bridge Road and excavating 4-5 tons manually to tidy and prepare the location for hard core
Over the next month, we will be developing activity and resource plans. We will establish costs and make proposal for mechanised dead hedge clearance to enable fencing work. We will also be working on costings for water, sewerage and electricity.
July 2023

The Oldminster Steering Group met on 9th July. The group is currently meeting each month to ensure we maintain progress.
The Oldminster enabling projects are progressing well and the project manager is contacting utility companies regarding our water, sewerage and electrical supply.
One of the key decisions is the type of Shed we will build. A small group of volunteers is developing costed options, taking into account the work already done and information gathered from a recent site visit to Bridgewater. This will help the Board reach a final decision.
Graham Sturgess has produced an initial Shed requirements document, which describes the space and power specifications.